Oh,hey ya'll! Heather here. Tonight you get to learn a bit more of the night of our Starbuckian adventure!If you're wondering about the Title of this post: it's from Youth in Revolt,which we went to see earlier that evening. I can't get that line outta my head!
Anywho, I would like to introduce you to my baby <3 ...my husband that is. His name is Dave...an he is the one who suggested we go to Starbucks.


Blue Steel.Kind of.

Now, it was a dark and stormy night.Ok, so maybe not stormy...but rainy. And it just so happened I had scored this umbrella earlier in the day at my favorite thrift mart!So I brought it along....and Becky decided to knight David with it. She declared him Sir Eric.I have no idea why,but it was hilarious! And look at how excited he was!!!

...And how oddly bored Becky looks...
p.s. you will see better pics of why this umbrella is amazing in a later post!

Dave describes his daily style as 'chill',but when it comes right down to it he would wear nothing but suits and spiffy menswear if he could afford that many well-tailored things. As it is, he enjoys t-shirts and well-worn jeans,Vans/and/or/Chucks(he has at least 7 pairs of these type of shoes),hoodies and warm coats.He also likes to wear beer-logo caps,much to my chagrin....He has wonderfully curly hair...but I think I love it more than him,lol.
Anyways,enough swooning. I can do that more when we get a pic of him all dolled up;)

To sum up: go see Youth in Revolt.Unless you are easily offended. I,personally, loved it.It felt like they were presenting things the way overly imaginative people(like me) see their lives...instead of the boring old way things really go down...and the colorless way people really talk.Not the best movie ever...but it was funny,and it spoke to me,and I just love Michael Cera.So there.
Now,Please stay tuned for some more random pics:
Wunder-Twins UNITE!

Kickin our feets up at the theater.