Top:Fashion Bug?Maybe.
Belts,layered: Thrift scores! (how do you like the 2 belt look,btw?)
skirt: toybox
Heels:Thift score!label: Fahrenheit!
And this outfit,
Skirt: Deb,knockoff of victoria's secret design
top: oooold cami.No idea where from.
shoes: Think! ergonomic sandals
Listening: I set my alarm to wake me up today with Ben's Brother Beta Male Fairytales. It's such a sweet makes me happy and sad all at the same time.
Also today,and for the last week really,I can't quit listening to Dream Theater . Today it was Train of Thought. Yes they are musical ehm...*show*...offs...but as a drummer I sometimes simply have to push past the lyrics,and James(the annoying person singing them), and just enjoy the amazingness that is Mike Portnoy.I wish I was that awesome.Particularly...I am trying to learn this intro:
trust me,it's harder than it looks.
reading: Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte.Kind of amazing that something written in 1847 resonates with me so well..
watching: Right now, Scrubs.Also, I finally saw Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind.It made me cry...but I still just want to watch it over and over and over...
wearing: as little as possible,because it has been the hottest few days we've had yet,and I'm trying to not run the air conditioning too hard.
wanting: for the slipcover and decals I ordered online to arrive so I can finally show off pics of my completely decorated home!Also,a nice new camera to replace my shotty digital,and a new steam press,and a new serger.Business is equipment collection should grow,too,right?Right.
plans of the day: Finish upholstering my futon,make a dress,make some throw pillows,weight training and tennis with the boys (Dave,and two of my cousins/our best friends, whom our whole group refer to as 'the boys').And then, hopefully, a date with my hubby:) I think we're gonna go play pool and watch some live music.Woot!
UPDATE!I finished the futon! what do you think?

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