Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Homeward Bound

Hello lovelies! I know that I've been gone for ages, but it's because I've been traveling the world! I visited Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Ukraine, and Russia and I am quite exhausted now. Unfortunately, my style while traveling was rather bland - jeans, t-shirt, green converses, and when it was cold the beige military style jacket. However, I saw some great fashion that is definitely revolutionizing what I wear. I dress for comfort so often, but I should really put more thought into my clothing. Be prepared for more Becky/Heather awesomeness coming your way shortly!

Reading: "I'm a Stranger Here Myself", a collection of little opinion pieces about an American who returns to New Hampshire after living in England for 20 years.

Watching: "Shutter Island" (so creepy! The lady who shushes Teddy in the beginning - WHO IS SHE?!?!) , reruns of "the Golden Girls", lightning bugs in the dusk, my last summer as a student racing past me.

Wearing: do you really want to know? Because it's pretty sad. Okay, I will tell you. It is a ten year old Invader Zim tshirt, complete with holes, and grey kneelength cotton shorts things. Cut me some slack, I have to go to work later and I didn't feel like changing out of my pajamas (not even to go to Subway for lunch!).

Wanting: fruit, my degree, money to do more traveling, a few well spent days with my family and friends.

Plans of the Day: study for my Russian Culture final that is tomorrow, work on organizing my photos from my travels, go to work and let corporate America suck the life out of me.

1 comment:

  1. I AM SO HAPPY YOU ARE BACK!and,I wouldn't mind reading what you are reading right now.
