In the absence of Becky(who is in RUSSIA right now...damn I'm Jealous.)and therefore the absence of an outfit shooting buddy,I've decided to continue with the posts of blurry self portraits in the mirror.These are older...from the last time I couldn't see B.I meant to post them forever ago...back when they were relevant...anywho,it was weird end-of winterish/beginning of springish weather and this is what I was wearing.

This is just a random shot of my fake-ugg adorned feet on a door mat from Target that i was SOOOOO happy to get.I won't be getting another though...after being rained on twice all the colors bled off:( It was cute while it lasted though!

I wore this for a casual date with the hubs:)
Belt:Vintage(my mom's)
Skirt:French Atmoshphere
Fake Uggs: Groove

And this one was to go...to a bar maybe? I don't remember.
Jacket:Gap(my favorite jackets are all from Gap..I buy absolutely nothing else from there because it never fits...but the jackets are always perfect.)
Henley: a million years old...no idea when or where I got it...But I've seen myself in it in pics from as far back as 7th grade.
Pants:Gift from Becky...they are like the traveling pants!They look good on everyone!
I just realized none of these outfits have anything in them from my own line....(shameless linking,yes.)
People have asked me quite a lot why I don't wear more from my own stuff..and the answer is that "I don't get to keep much of it because I like to make money". I've also talked to several other designers who feel like it is tacky to wear only their own work.This feeling in general seems common among a lot of types of creatives...not wanting to hang only your own artwork on your walls,not wanting only your own music playing through your speakers...you get the gist.
What do YOU think? When you think of a designer,do you imagine them to only wear their own work?Should they?
Anyways,I've been trying to incorporate more of my own work into my ensembles,and I've actually made a pact with myself to NOT BUY NEW CLOTHING ANYMORE.I'm holding myself to this for at least a year,if not indefinitely. I'm going to make everything myself.A year from now I will start to consider buying thrifted clothes again,but I don't really intend to ever buy new clothes again.
The upside of this? Aside from wearing more of my own work..I'll have my whole clothes budget for shoes,bags,jewelry,etc!
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