In preparation for my impending departure, I compiled a list of reasons why I LOVE air travel! As silly as it seems, I love traveling by air. It makes me feel like I’m really going somewhere and I love all the unique experiences that you have when flying versus other forms of travel (although I will admit this also means that some of those experiences are frustrating!).
1.) The fact that you can live in an airport. According to The Terminal (which was based on a true story), it is entirely possible to live inside an airport for years. With some ingenuity, it seems that you would be able to eat, sleep, bathe and work inside an airport. I kind of like that idea. I also like that airports are kind of a little microcosm of reality.
2.) You can shop and eat and drink beer, all at the same time! If you are on the plane, you can eat, drink, and shop Skymall. If you’re in a terminal, you can do the same thing, except the shops are generally better.
3.) TRASHY MAGAZINES! This is the one time I allow myself that indulgence. My attention span is short when I am surrounded by that many people, so trying to focus on serious reading is not an option. However, brushing up on Bragelina’s latest marital woes or 7 tips to burn belly fat or Ashton Kutcher’s new dog is just my style.
4.) Free ginger ale. I don’t drink a lot of soda, but when I do, ginger ale is at the top of the list (followed closely by Dr. Pepper and Coke in third) and getting it fo’ FREE is exciting.
5.) Getting to look out the window. I always like it when I get the window seat, I’m like a child. I love looking out the window and seeing the land spread out underneath me like a map. If I am tired of reading, I like to imagine little scenarios in my head about all the tiny towns underneath me and what’s going on and the little mundane pleasures of life. Like, “Oh look, I bet that town is celebrating the annual Corn Festival, and two teenagers just held hands for the first time on a hayride and the town drunk is puking in the bushes and there is probably a family pushing a fat baby in a stroller.” Deep stuff.
6.) Duty free liquor! I have only recently been able to partake in this pleasure but it is always a plus to get your liquor discounted.
7.) People watching. Like I mentioned before, airports are little microcosms of life and I love to people watch, especially since most people are under some sort of stress by traveling. Plus, I like to see all the different ways that people interact. I do a LOT of people watching when traveling by my onesie.
Cons: airline bathrooms (so little! What if you get sucked out of the plane?!), gross seatmates (that one guy who is spilling into your seat and then falls asleep and lays his head on you, potentially drooling), overpriced everything ($3 for a bottled water?!).
I like to watch people people watch.