As you may have noticed, this blog has become pretty dead lately. This reason is two-fold. Life getting in the way is the main reason. During the month of November, I moved into my own apartment and was consumed by finals and personal ups and downs and real life in general, all while trying to hold down a 40-hour a week job and keep my G.P.A. up (which went swimmingly - I graduated magna cum laude!). December started off with graduation and was a fast-paced month filled with family, friends, and food. January... well, let's not talk about January. Let's just leave it at being a very bittersweet month. Now, February is upon us and it's time to get in the swing of things again. The second reason is that Heather has decided to become a guest on the blog, because keeping up with two blogs and a business is a large undertaking. Therefore, she will become a super awesome rad guest, and the blog has shifted over to me, Becky. Since she was always the more dedicated updater between the two of us, this is also a reason for a profound lack of updates.
HOWEVER. It is time for all of that to change. I am going to promise to be a better updater - just don't flog me if I am not perfect.
That being said, here are a few of the things I have done since the last update:
I tried the whole shorts/tights thing, at the insistence of several parties. It worked out better than I thought it would, and kept me pretty warm considering the temperature decided to hover at 32 degrees that night.

Here is a lovely shot of Heather's outfit on that wonderful girls' night (please ignore the bottle of rum on the coffee table).

Three of my favorite ladies getting ready for a little girls' night rambunctiousness.

Two friends playing at open mic night at my favorite bar in the world, the Voodoo Lounge.

Boys enjoying Mario Kart before a going away party of epic proportions.

This is just a random picture from a party, but I really like the way that I look in this picture so I vainly posted it.

Heather and I decided to visit the Nook with Dave and Tyler, and we got fancy.

Our beers, in order of light to dark. Mine is on the far right :-)
I love this random beer picture of Jill and I.
I also like this beer picture of myself. Don't be fooled; I do engage in other activities that do not involve beer. However, when beer is present the pictures flow easier.
A brightly lit Voodoo Lounge.
A Birmingham adventure. We were excited, because we were the only ones who got wristbands.

Hair mustache. "When in doubt, pinky out" is my 2011 motto.
A single girls' fridge: sour cream, cheese, jelly, pasta sauce, a lime, an onion, water, coffee creamer, 2 bottles of wine, hamburger meat, chicken breasts and 3 6-packs of beer.

Stay classy, guys.