For your viewing pleasure, here are some snaps from the night of my 21st. It was a supreme night that ended with Heather and I in my bed at 5am having deep conversations about life, love, and the universe (at least I think).
I've been really into coloring lately. One of theses days I will finish the Indie Rock coloring book!
Listening: Broken Bells, Belle & Sebastian, random mixes that I have found recently.
Reading: "Money" by Martin Amis. It feel appropriate - he sounds as equally lost as I feel these days.
watching: "Mad Men" - STILL, a documentary on Hitler and Stalin, "I Love Lucy".
wearing: PJ's right now, but earlier I wore black flats from Target, a pair of grey Old Navy skinny jeans, and an old Target shirt that says Amsterdam on it. I was trying to keep it casual and cool, just like the weather.
Wanting: a cup of tea, an eyebrow wax, some time with friends that I haven't seen in awhile. Also, I'm really tired of feeling bad due to allergies. Come on, October!
Plans of the day: I went to class, took my car to the shop, and then had a glorious afternoon nap. Then, class again, apartment viewing, and general family times. Nothing extrodinary, but it was still a rather nice day.