Hey kids!I promise my next post will be on the Steam Art and the Life issue...I just haven't gotten good enough pics yet! So,today is a style post + snapshot,but not my personal style...Imma finally show you the house! after 8 months of hard,hard work it is finally looking like a real home,so room by room I'm going to introduce you to the place I call home,and Dave and I's combined sense of interior style:)Today;The master Bedroom!

Decal courtesy of wallsensations4you.etsy.com . I love the decal,but poor communication...and they got lots of bad feedback right after I ordered..:/
Oh well,it's still purty!

Poster,"Great wave of Kangawa": FYE. Love it.
bedding: all Target,except The elephant pilllow.That one I made with some fabric a lovely client suprised me with!
Curtains,Tables,Blue lamp: Target.
Brown Lamp:Vintage,repainted and a new shade...from,you guessed it,Target!
Fuzzy ottoman: actually an ugly plaid vintage ottoman,with an awesome faux fur blanket over it. The blankie was a wedding gift from our friend Purple Pants Joe.

looking into the Master bath( which I'll show you next!)
mirror and clock: Target

Freakin sweet driftwood: a beach find from our gulf trip earlier this spring. Just days before the oil hit the shore...

Original Watercolor Elephant by Me.

bookshelf: a castoff from the inlaws. It looks so much better since I painted it:)

very soon this dresser will be distressed white with turquoise drawer pulls.It was my sister's a long time ago....it will fit in this decor much better once I'm done with it!

So what do you think?
Listening: to myself cough constantly.Yep,sick again.GAH I HATE MY NONFUNCTIONAL IMMUNE SYSTEM.
Reading: that Life issue from 1946! Did you know that more doctors smoked Camels than anything else in 1946?Or that there was a confectioners' association dedicated to trying to make us think that candy is a 'real,delicious food,that is wonderful for your body,especially when you are low on energy' ? Not that I don't love my candy...but for reals,the ad was basically trying to say eat all the candy you want and you'll look just like this extremely hot and peppy secretary.LOL.More on this topic soon. Promise.
watching: mostly I've been revisiting the entire Gilmore Girls series in order. THANK YOU netflix! By the end I'll surely speak so fast no one will understand me anymore,just like when I was originally into the show.
Also,lots of My Name is Earl,cuz it's pretty much based on my home town.
wearing: El Hubbo's ratty Converse Tee ( aka most comfortable thing evah),and some pj bottoms he lovingly refers o as my 'teenage turtle shawties.' Yep,it's bedtime.
Wanting: on the very top of my list right now is a new drill...continuing on down the list there are many more power tools and tools in general I want.I can't help it,I'm a DIY er to the bone,it's how I was raised,and now that I'm not living with (or right next door to) anyone whose craftsman set I can use whenevs I want,I am building my own collection.Secret Santa's- please keep this in mind. Hedda is used to NICE powertools...not this crap she used all day today:)
besides the powertools,and all the other things I ask for every snapshot,I would like some new 'munities. Anyone got any they aren't using?
Plans of the day: well, it's over...but basically I spent the day working on our house. I redid my closet,which I'll share pics of soon,hopefully tomorrow!
Gnight all!