So,We are not dead. Since our last update,spring has sprung,I have quit my dayjob and spent all my time working on my new house and on my business,I've been to the beach,and Becky has been to Europe.Yes,I Hate her too sometimes.Sigh...
So there you have The Short Version.
Karla over at Karla's closet has inspired me to step out of my usual jersey dress comfort zone for spring.I was channeling her ,along with Miami Vice,along something boho when I dressed for errands yesterday.Whaddaya think?Did I pull it off?
Jacket:vintage(Liz's mom gave it to me...fabulous yes?)
Belt :vintage (my momma's)
turquoise shoes and ring:Vintage(my sister's)
Necklace: petrified wood from a family vacation when I was little
shorts:Paris Blues that I cut off.