Sorry for the complete and abject poverty of posts by me lately. I was doing rather well and then some unlikely and tragic events came up in my life, causing me to spend a week off of school and in my pajamas. Ever since then, I've been in a funk that I am desperately trying to break out of, and I think today might be the day that it happens. For instance, at this very moment, I am sitting outside of my favorite building at my college, in the warm sunshine, sipping tea and taking a break from writing a very, very insightful paper on the critical themes of "Good Bye Lenin!" (great movie, by the way). Anyway, my fashion concept is still very grandpa inspired at the moment. Barring today, the weather lately has been abysmal and has called for cardigans nonstop. Note my brand new oxfords in the first pictures: I'm in love. No man can make me as happy as those shoes!
I figure that I will give you a little snapshot of myself right now:
Reading: Alice in Wonderland. I've never read it before! Everyone has told me this is a travesty that I need to fix, so I'm doing it.
Watching: "Whip It!", the latest episode of the Office where Pam has the baby, the spring slowly slipping into my life.
Wearing: work uniform. Nasty Keds that are so very comfortable, khakis, oversized "Starbucks" polo, my super rad oversized sunglasses.
Wanting: some lunch. I am just crippled with indecision on where to find said lunch. I want something really fresh and really cheap....
Plans of the Day: to go to my Nazi history class, pop into work and make that money, go home and see my lovely grandparents who are coming into town.
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